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        A Quick Guide to EXE vs. MSI: Choosing the Right Installer

        In application packaging, you can hear a lot about MSI vs. EXE. However, if you are starting, you might need clarification on how those two formats are related, how they differ, and which one you should use to install your application. This article will overview EXE vs. MSI installers and their differences.


        What is .exe?
        What is .msi?
        What is the difference between .msi and .exe?
        Software to use for MSI and Exe

        What is .exe?

        So, what does .exe mean? EXE Setup or executable is a widespread file format used in Windows operating systems. An .exe file contains executable code the computer can run to launch applications or perform specific tasks. So, it won’t be a mistake to say that EXE is a standalone program.

        There are several things that EXE can do. It could be a general-purpose application run by itself or a mini-program designed solely for installing another application. Simply speaking, EXE can do everything itself to install the software you need.

        What is .msi?

        MSI or Microsoft Installer is a popular file format and technology created by Microsoft for customers to provide a better corporate deployment experience by installing and configuring software on Windows operating systems. It was explicitly created by MS to standardize installation files, and unlike EXE, MSI can be only an installer file.

        MSI can be compared to a container used to package software for installation. It includes all the necessary files, settings, and instructions for the installation process.

        Additionally, MSI supports various customization options, including silent installations, administrative installations, and customization through transform files (MSTs) that modify the installation behavior.

        What is the difference between .msi and .exe?

        Here is a quick comparison to better understand the difference between MSI vs. EXE.

        EXE can be either a standalone application or install other apps. It has limited customization options. Its uninstall process is non-standardized.

        MSI. It can only be an installer package. It has more flexibility in customizations, such as silent installations, administrative installations, and customization through transform files. Its uninstall process is standardized.

        Since the result of the installation will not differ between an .exe and a .msi, there is only one logical question: which is the better installer file, EXE or MSI?

        An EXE or MSI installer is better suited to different use cases, so what is best depends on your needs.

        For an average home computer user, there is no difference in which one to use — EXE or MSI. However, in the enterprise business setting, where you need to install many apps on hundreds of machines, you should opt for MSI. MSI uses a standardized approach to installing the software, and you can install the required applications on multiple computers at once by using the silent installation that does not require any human input into the installation process.

        In addition, when using an MSI file, you’ll be aware of every component and parameter you’ll be installing. Meanwhile, an EXE file can be compared to a black box — you will not know what you’ll get. With MSI files, your software can be silently installed and uninstalled in most cases, as MSI supports silent operations by default.

        Which Software to Use for Exe or MSI Installers

        There are a lot of tools on the market that allow you to create an MSI installer for your application; one such tool is PACE Suite. You may review all its features here and try the fully functional MSI creator free for 21 days to see how it works.