PACE Suite - Application Packaging & Virtualization Software PACE Suite - Application Packaging & Virtualization Software

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        Promotions Are Here: Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2018

        It’s that time of the year again – Black Friday and Cyber Monday are here, and you are drowning in the offers available online. Not all professional software vendors delight their customers during this huge sale-off, but we at PACE Suite can’t help giving you the best price.

        We are glad to offer a 20% discount for all PACE Suite Enterprise and Service Provider licenses.

        Regardless if you heard about the upcoming changes to our prices, we want to emphasize once again that these are the lowest prices you’ll ever get!

        Just use our promo code BlackPACESuite-2018 while purchasing online or mention it when requesting a quote. Please note that this discount does not add up to other discounts (for instance, our special prices for educational institutions). Hurry up – it’s valid until November 27!