PACE Suite - Application Packaging & Virtualization Software PACE Suite - Application Packaging & Virtualization Software

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        Automate Your Application Packaging with PACE Suite

        PACE Suite is an intelligent and simple application packaging tool with a wide range of features for all application packaging tasks. Evaluate the tool now! Test all functions unlimited during the 21-day assessment. Request a trial

        PACE Suite Key Features

        Simple conversion of existing installers

        Wizards will help to convert your existing installation to MSI, MSIX or any other supported package format with minimal effort and time.

        Advanced MSI and MSIX authoring

        Edit content and settings of your packages with the help of comprehensive editing tools with multiple wizards.

        Packages of different formats from a single project

        Build MSI, MST, MSIX, APPX, APPV, THINAPP from the same project and use that project to change resource and generate a new version of the package.

        Repackaging on VM & Containers

        Intelligent capturing engine: manual and automatic modes, locally or across multiple VMs. Repackaging in Windows Sandbox and Docker.

        Built-in support of PSF

        Quickly integrate required PSF fixups into MSIX packages of legacy applications to run in an MSIX container.

        Broader Deployment

        Convert app installation files into IntuneWin format. Wrap your installations with the PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit framework.

        Command-line for automation

        Use the command-line interface to automate packaging tasks with your batch scripts.

        Intuitive and friendly UI

        The product UI is designed to meet expectations of both newbies and experts, and usually doesn’t require reading tons of documentation.

        MSI Build in CI/CD

        • Build MSI installer for your app from the command line
        • Harvest the dynamic set of files when building MSI
        • Use the simple wizard that helps non-MSI engineers configure a project
        • Customize of the project via UI


        • Capture on localhost
        • Capture on remote VM (VMware ESX, Microsoft Hyper-V, Oracle VirtualBox)
        • Run repackaging in automated or manual mode
        • Continue repackaging after system restart
        • Capture permission changes
        • Automatically filter out the captured system noise
        • Manage custom user-defined exclusion filters
        • Configuration of scanned areas
        • Detect hidden or wrapped MSI installations
        • Run repackaging functions from the batch script
        • Include/exclude captured resources at any time
        • Create and reuse system snapshots

        MSIX / APPX

        • Create MSIX/APPX from scratch
        • Convert existing installer into MSIX/APPX
        • Combine packages into bundle
        • Create modification package
        • Edit existing MSIX/APPX
        • Manage package appearance
        • Edit package identity properties
        • Manage package architecture
        • Author package files and folders

        • Manage package apps
        • Apply Package Support Framework fixups
        • Apply Package Support Framework fixups
        • Define the supported platforms
        • Edit package manifest directly
        • Digitally sign the package
        • Generate AppInstaller file
        • Undo/Redo any changes during package editing
        • Test MSIX against the Microsoft Store and Desktop Bridge requirements

        Windows Installer (MSI, MST, etc.)

        • Create MSI from scratch
        • Convert existing installer into MSI
        • Apply profile-based packaging rules to MSI
        • Create customization and response MST
        • Create MSP packages
        • Create and import MSM
        • Compare two MSI packages
        • Undo/Redo any changes during package editing
        • Automate MSI editing with Active Scripting
        • Deploy package to SCCM
        • Run ICE validation
        • Test MSI for compliance with the Desktop App Certification Program
        • Author package files, registry and their permissions
        • Register Fonts

        • Author standard and custom actions
        • Install and manage Windows services
        • Manage environment variables
        • Integrate Device Drivers
        • Author ODBC
        • Run System search (AppSearch)
        • Close app, processes on install/uninstall
        • Manage MSI Upgrades
        • Control Media settings
        • Digitally sign the package
        • Edit MSI tables directly with reference tracking
        • Generate a package documentation and complexity report
        • Generate install/repair/uninstall batch scripts

        APPV & ThinApp Packages


        • Create APPV from scratch
        • Convert existing installer into APPV
        • Edit resources of existing APPV ​
        • Author package files and registry
        • Control virtualization levels
        • Author package apps, shortcuts, FTA
        • Specify target OS
        • Select Primary Virtual Application Directory (PVAD)
        • Control APPV streaming options


        • Create THINAPP from scratch
        • Author package files and registry
        • Author package entry points
        • Select primary data container
        • Define compression settings
        • Select file system isolation mode
        • Choose sandbox location
        • Specify inventory name and build details

        Advantages of PACE Suite

        Derive real benefits of PACE Suite — one of the most proper application packaging tools for your business: Reduce delivery costs; Automate and optimize the work of application packaging engineers; Ensure high quality and integrity of packages​; Support easy distribution of software across an organization; Get reliable technical support from dedicated experts; Deliver apps to end-users faster.

        Request the 21-day free trial today and check our amazing MSI packaging speed yourself!

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