PACE Suite - Application Packaging & Virtualization Software PACE Suite - Application Packaging & Virtualization Software

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        PACE Products Announcements

        Types of Packages: Non-Virtual Packages – Practical Advice and Conclusions

        May 11, 2016  |  Articles  |  

        Ever since the dawn of the consumer electronics and Windows OS, before virtualization has hit the mass-market, non-virtual packages were used to install software. It is worth mentioning though that non-virtual packages remain fairly popular and are nowadays widely used – as often as virtual packages. Non-virtual packages can be... more >

        Types of Packages: Non-Virtual Packages – Scripted Installations

        April 12, 2016  |  Articles  |  

        Last time, we talked about Executable Installers (.EXE). In this part of our blog, we’ll discuss an old, but still widely used approach to non-virtual application packaging – Scripted installations. Scripted installation is one of the most archaic ways to install software. In a certain way, scripted installation is a... more >

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