Quickly convert MSI to MSIX

Quickly convert MSI package to MSIX format with no need of manual repackaging.

Quick converion has three stages: (1) extracts resources like files, registry, shortcuts, COM objects from the selected MSI package; (2) creates the Package Generator’s project and imports all these resources to it; (3) builds the MSIX package from this project.

This approach allows you to open the project at any time, apply the required changes and build a new version of the package.

Note that the quick convert cannot detect the business logic of MSI custom actions on the fly, and this part of the MSI package won’t be reproduced in the MSIX package.

  1. Run PACE Suite Launcher either from the Start Menu or Desktop shortcut on your work station (PC).

    img_start-menu-shortcuts img_desktop-shortcuts

  2. Select the Packager Tasks > Create Package > MSIX > From existing installer > Quickly convert MSI.


  3. Select the MSI package that you need to convert to MSIX format. For this, click Browse…, located next to the MSI file field. Then, click Next.


  4. Define the digital signature settings for the converted MSIX package. Note that you will be able to re-/sign the package later in MSIX Editor. Then, click Next.


  5. Finally, select the folder where the ouput MSIX package and project file will be created. To change the default location, click Browse and select the new output folder. Then, click Next.


  6. Wait for the package conversion to complete.


  7. This wizard’s step is opened once the conversion process is completed. Click on hyperlinks in the Summary section to open the output folder with created MSIX package and the projct file. Click Finish to close the wizard. Note that by default, the created package will be automatically opened in MSIX Editor.



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