Wrap installation into IntuneWin

Wrap files of the existing installation into the .intunewin package for publishing it with Microsoft Intune.

  1. Run PACE Suite Launcher either from the Start Menu or Desktop shortcut on your work station (PC).

    img_start-menu-shortcuts img_desktop-shortcuts

  2. Select the Packager Tasks > Create Package > IntuneWin.


  3. Select the folder with the required installation files that should be included into the IntuneWin package. For this, click Browse…, located next to the Source folder field.


  4. Choose your source folder and click Select Folder.


  5. Review files and subfolders that will compressed into .intunewin and pay attention to the Estimated package size. IntuneWin package cannot be greater than 30 GB. Then, click Next.


  6. Click Browse to specify the primary installation file of the IntuneWin package.


  7. Choose the main installation file (setup.exe, setup.msi, install.cmd, etc.) among the files of the specified Source folder and click Select.


  8. Click Next to proceed to the Completion step.


  9. Finally, click Browse and select the output folder where the .intunewin file will be created.


  10. Choose a folder on the file system and click Select Folder. Note that this folder must not be inside the previously selected Source folder.


  11. Click Finish to create the IntuneWin package in the specified output folder.



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