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Change order status (move by workflow)ΒΆ

Move the order by workflow to set the necessary status. Workflow is a set of statuses and transitions between these statuses. Each order type can have a custom workflow and custom permissions for each transition. So, depending on your role and workflow settings you can have or not have specific set of transitions for the current order state.

Also, depending on the workflow settings and your personal notification settings, you may receive a notification when the order is moved to the specific status.


Precondition 1 : Sign In on Web Portal of PACE Packager Hub.

First, find the necessary order and open it as described in manual Find and open order

  1. Find the current order Status above the tab list and click View workflow to see the visual representation of the current order workflow.

    orders-edit-order-transition orders-edit-order-view-workflow

  2. To change the order status, invoke the necessary transition from the available ones, which are displayed in the top-right corner. The order will be moved to the next status defined by this transition.


    Transitions move the order by workflow from status to status. The availability of transitions is defined for each user role in the workflow settings by the Supervisor.



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