PACE Suite - Application Packaging & Virtualization Software PACE Suite - Application Packaging & Virtualization Software

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        Easy Management of ODBC & Close Apps: PACE Suite 5.8 Is Out

        The newest release of the application packaging tool PACE Suite 5.8 is available. Now, users can effortlessly handle ODBC and close applications.

        What’s New in PACE Suite 5.8

        UI for ODBC

        Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is a standard API for accessing various database systems. With the latest release of PACE Suite, you can efficiently handle the installation and configuration of ODBC drivers, data sources, and translators of your MSI package. The advanced validation rules reduce human errors and increase package quality.

        The new ODBC UI of Package Designer collects data from the ODBCDriver, ODBCAttribute, ODBCDataSource, ODBCSourceAttribute, and ODBCTranslator MSI Tables, transforms, and presents them in a user-friendly view.

        You can immediately assess the ODBC resources and their number that your package is installing. If needed, you can modify the existing and add a new ODBC driver, data source, and translator.

        UI for Close Apps

        Shutting down the application in a correct manner is an integral part of any app packaging process as it prevents you from future malfunctions.

        We have added the new functionality – the UI for Close Apps in Package Designer that enables users to configure which processes and in which way must be closed when installing and uninstalling the package. It helps users save time on writing additional scripts, ensures clear package removal and correspondingly reduces the cost of the package.

        This new view enables you to easily define which apps should be closed. For each application, you can configure how to shut it down: send Close and/or End Session messages, terminate after timeout if still running; prompt the user with a message; set an MSI property for creating a further installation behavior; or choose other convenient options.

        Other Improvements & Fixes

        • Fixed the issue with activating the product if the license key is copied with spaces;
        • Fixed the issue with skipping zero-size INI files while building a package;
        • Solved the problem with disabling the check for PACE Suite updates;
        • Fixed issues in Setup Capture, MSI Editor, and Package Generator.

        Discover the full scope of the new features in the PACE Suite Release Notes and see how it works in the User Guide.