PACE Suite - Application Packaging & Virtualization Software PACE Suite - Application Packaging & Virtualization Software

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        [Webinar] PACE Products: Brand New PACE Packager Hub and Updated PACE Suite 5.6

        Current market situation puts businesses under circumstances when they need to seek the best innovative solutions to tackle their current operational and organizational challenges. Application packaging activities are not the exception.

        Relying on current business needs and packagers’ feedback, we have developed the PACE Packager Hub. The solution will enable a tool-driven approach with predefined templates and intuitive customization when managing specifically application packaging processes.

        We were holding an extensive webinar to demonstrate the new product and improvements in PACE Suite 5.6 in full.


        • The latest PACE Suite 5.6 release: improvements and new features.
        • Challenges of application packaging process management: How to address them.
        • PACE Packager Hub – the brand new solution to resolve pain points – and how it works.
        • Licence models for PACE products.
        • Q&A.


        • Tetiana Botanevych – Partnerships and Sales Manager
        • Daniil Glubochenko – Sales Manager
        • Viktor Feschenko – Product Owner
        • Jan Keil – VP of Marketing
        Watch our exclusive webinar now!