PACE Suite - Application Packaging & Virtualization Software PACE Suite - Application Packaging & Virtualization Software

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        PACE Suite New Features: the Results of Voting

        Around a week ago, we asked our customers, partners, and everyone interested in application packaging and virtualization to vote for the new features to be included in the next PACE Suite release. First of all, we are grateful to everyone who voted and provided valuable comments about our future functionality. It is due to such feedback that our roadmap is aligned to the needs of our users and the current trends in application packaging.

        In the poll, we asked you to give each feature a grade from 1 to 8 (8 meaning very important to add). You can find the results of the vote below.

        vote for new pace suite features 2017

        The most requested featured was support of the Universal Windows Platform (appx). Together with the gradually increasing share of Windows 10 in the enterprise, as well as with the recent launch of Windows 10 S, we naturally decided to give this functionality a top priority. You will be able to create appx packages starting from the next PACE Suite release. We have also identified a significant interest to wizards; however, as neither of them got the major advantage of votes, we will be adding them gradually. In the next release, you can expect a wizard for installation capturing.

        One of the other most requested features, Library of Custom Actions, will be included in the release planned for the spring of 2018. We are also planning to enable our users to sign Windows Installer packages with certificates in that release – though this feature did not get the most votes it had been requested a significant amount of times outside of this poll.

        Most importantly, there still will be some surprises in our next release so stay tuned for our announcements and sneak peaks.

        We would like to remind you that though this voting is over, we are always eager to hear your suggestions and feature requests to adjust our roadmap. We are looking forward to getting more of your feedback!