PACE Suite - Application Packaging & Virtualization Software PACE Suite - Application Packaging & Virtualization Software

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        New PACE Suite 4.1 Release

        Review all available new releases of the application packaging tool here.

        The new release presents a brand new user interface for improving the usability of product

        New intelligible wizards for running complex scenarios

        Say goodbye to old-style wizards and narrow tables overwhelmed with data. The new perspicuous wizard design serves for simplification of displaying big amount of data and various options.

        New wizards in version 4.1 of PACE Suite, the application packaging software

        Discover new way of managing package resources

        Working with files and registry is a complex task performed with the use of both MSI Generator and MSI Editor. The new responsive tree and list views serve for working with a larger amount of resources with the same window size.

        New look of the trees in version 4.1 of PACE Suite, the application packaging software

        The new unified UI styles for the enhanced usability

        Just focus on the work results instead of focusing on the tool. Enjoy the enhanced usability provided by the unified styles for action buttons, menus, fields, captions, panes and other controls. The new version presents all 150 screens of the PACE Suite components in a common harmonic look.

        New look of the unified UI controls in version 4.1 of PACE Suite, the application packaging software

        Find the available functions in a single structured menu

        The new style of menu secures finding all available functions and optimizes the use of Windows screens and user’s efforts.New style of menus in version 4.1 of PACE Suite, the application packaging software


        Added support of virtual fonts subsystem for App-V

        MSI Generator secures including captured fonts to a virtual Microsoft App-V 5.1 package. The font information is stored as an extension (AppV.Fonts) of the manifest file.

        Fixed bugs

        • Crashes at the snapshot comparison phase of capturing process in MSI Generator
        • Crash on importing files to an empty package in MSI Editor
        • Issues with proper displaying values of the ‘Last saved by’, ‘Created’ and ‘Saved’ properties of the Summary Information stream in MSI Editor
        • Problem with specifying new custom location of ThinApp install in MSI Generator
        • Bug related to creation of a new registry key in MSI Editor
        • Incorrect behavior of MSI Generator on saving per-user data to an App-V package in case it was captured by another user
        • Problem with losing Application Name and Publisher properties during the capturing applications
        • UI issue on refreshing the Features-Components tree after adding a new MSI feature in MSI Editor
        Read the PACE Suite User Manual and PACE Suite v4.1 Release Notes.