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[MSI] Edit ODBC driver

Edit details of an ODBC driver in the MSI package.


Precondition: Open an MSI package in MSI Editor (see Open MSI/MST).

  1. Go to the Package Designer > ODBC tab.


  2. Select Edit from the context menu of an ODBC driver that you need to edit.


  3. Update the necessary ODBC driver details such as Name, a Driver DLL file and Setup DLL file for the driver if it is different than from Driver; a Component_ that controls the installation of this driver. If needed, update the driver Attributes and then click Save.


    Filename of Driver DLL file and Setup DLL file must be presented only in the short (e.g. DOS 8.3) or long filename format. Both formats (e.g. short|long) cannot be used.

    To fix the validation error with the filename, navigate to the Tables Editor > File table, find the required file and remove everything to the left of the vertical bar including the bar itself from the ‘Filename’ column.



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